Shiny Gold/Silver Metallic Waterslide Decal Paper | NEW

From AUD 12.09

Make your own professional Metallic Waterslide decals using your laser printer / copier

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(starts from 3 sets (A4) of metallic decal paper + gold foil per pack)


New Shiny Gold/Silver Metallic Waterslide Decal Paper

Do It Yourself shiny metallic  GOLD/SILVER decal paper at home using your PC, laser printer and laminator.
It is easy to make your own gold waterslide decal paper which you can put on guitars, ceramics, candles, glass, furniture and many other glossy-finish items.

You will also need: PC, Laser Printer, Laminator, Squeegee or a soft cloth

Please note: Depending on the applied temperature from your laminator, you may find that the decal is patchy or has areas with too much or too little metallic powder which has been transferred. Before you buy large quantities, we strongly recommend that for your first order, you order a small quantity to test it for yourself. Please beware that our waterslide decal products may not work with entry-level BROTHER laser printers due to the thickness of the decal paper (200+gsm).

Dr. Decal tip: When testing the heat settings for your laminator on the decal, we recommend starting with the lowest temperature. If you find that this is still too much heat, you can put a piece of normal copier paper on top of the metallic foil to lower the applied heat when laminating.

If you don’t have a proper laminator, you can ask us to print metallic decals for you. This metallic decal printing service is available under the product category ‘Ordering Custom Decals’.

Each Set: Waterslide Decal Paper A4 + Metallic Gold Sheet A4

Additional information

Weight N/A

Shiny Gold, Shiny Silver



No. of sheets:

3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100

Product Manuals


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