Plastic Models and Decal Paper

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Many children and a few adults enjoy building scale models. This sometimes ties to a particular interest – military vehicles, aviation, trains, sci-Fi or racing cars. At other times it just feels good to create. Until recently most of us were confined to building models from pre-made scale kits, unless we were experienced metal or


Classic Model Decals

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It would be a mistake to think that CGI in films has done away with physical models effects, or that 3D printing has completely replaced Scale model hobbying. Many films use a combination of CGI and model work, while Plastic scale models have a steady following, with built models often appearing alongside 3D printed items.


Candle Decorations

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Candle Decal Paper We have decal paper specifically designed for candles. Any design that you can print can be used on a candle. Some candle decoration ideas that we like; Commemorative birthdays and anniversaries …etc. Christmas decorations. Geometric patterns Silhouettes Coats of arms Hearts, stars, flowers and combinations thereof. Cartoon, Comic and Superheros figures. And


Decal Paper

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Decal Paper Decals are amongst the last details applied to any model or creative project. With all the effort put into the project we want to make sure we don’t ruin things at the last minute. Some generally useful tools and products: Varnish or clear finish (usually spray on). Cutting surface Bowl of water Dishwashing


Ceramic Decals

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The very first decals were used for ceramics, tiles and glass. Invented in France around 1750 these decals (then known as decalcomania) could provide the kind of fine detail and colour images otherwise only obtainable through masterful painting. The decals became popular for decorating fine porcelain. Some decals were made to withstand the refiring process


Uses for Waterslide Decals

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Uses for Waterslide Decals We can decorate laptops, cases, drinking glasses, mugs, doors, cupboards and other items with decals. Photorealism is possible with some of these surfaces and some waterslide decal paper, but more often we find it better to stylize the image for waterslide decals. Using Photoshop or other digital manipulation programs we can